BELUGA GROUP has opened its 1,000th WineLab shop

january 2022

BELUGA GROUP announced the opening of the 1,000th WineLab shop, the anniversary outlet started operating in Moscow on Rimskiy-Korsakov Street. A total of 89 shops were launched in December, predominantly in the capital's regions. At the same time, the number of sites in the Western part of the country – in Moscow, the Moscow region and St. Petersburg – doubled over the year.   

The WineLab retail chain is striving to provide customers with the most convenient service possible, increasing both the number of shops and actively developing the omni-channel electronic platform – the website and mobile app Customers can purchase in a variety of ways, either directly in-store from a selection of popular items, or by ordering via click & collect from a wider range with an option to pick up at one of 1,000 shops nearby.

The opening of the thousandth shop in 2021 reflects the confident implementation of the BELUGA GROUP's strategy, adopted in May, and demonstrates the outperformance of new store openings. The increase in the number of WineLab shops allows the group to qualitatively strengthen its vertical integration and increase sales volumes of both own and partner products.

WineLab bases its activities on customer focus and creating a friendly and pleasant atmosphere for buyers, developing loyalty programmes and personalised offer services. The number of loyalty programme participants in December 2021 exceeded 4.2 million and increased by 56% over the year. A number of activities were implemented for customer convenience in 2021. A partnership with the SberMegaMarket marketplace was launched, with the online marketplace offering a click & collect ordering system. In addition to the ability to order products from the chain's shops, an in-store ordering option has been connected, allowing customers to choose from a wider range of beverages.

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